**NEW** Work Party Weekend, June 17-19


Are you a camp parent who appreciates the program and wants to help out on the ranch?

Are you a camp staffer who wants to show up early to enjoy the place before staff week?

Are you an alumni who wants to touch base with your home away from home?

Are you a camper who just can't get enough?

Are you someone who likes doing an honest day's work, with good friends, and good food, for a good cause?

Sign up for the new Sangre de Cristo Youth Ranch Work Party Weekend!  There is always plenty to do to get camp in shape for the season, and this Spring we're gonna get it done together.  Friday June 17th through Sunday June 19th, friends of the ranch new and old will be camping out, working, eating, and playing together, just like at camp!  On Monday the 20th, volunteers are welcome to stay and raft down the Rio with the incoming summer staff.  Show up for a half day, or stay all weekend.  Families welcome.  Please Registerso we can plan the food.