Where do you find the Singing River? It lives in the hearts of many in Questa NM, Taos Pueblo, and beyond. It was a sanctuary of joy and wonder. From 1999 through 2003, Singing River Field Center was a day camp located on the pristine sun-dappled banks of the Rio Cabresto. It was a vision of Maggie and Aron Rael and friends for soulful environmental education. And, in 2014 Singing River Field Center Day Camp is real again!
Local 8-11 year olds can once again mingle happy voices with the Singing River for two week-long day-camp sessions June 23 - 27 and June 30 - July 4. Camp runs from 9am to 3:45pm Monday through Friday with a campout Thursday night. Transportation is available. Learn more and sign up here. Spread the word and donate to the scholarship fund.