Camp- The Home of the Free and the Brave


This year, if we were going to go on down to Arroyo Seco and march in their iconic 4th of July Parade - by golly we were going to take home some prize money!  But what theme should we choose for the float?  The judges were looking for “Most Creative”, “Best Children's Entry," “Most Humorous," and “Best on Wheels." Every category was worth considering for our giant bus and its melting pot of young passengers; but we’re talking about the 4th of July here people!  So of course we set our sights on “Most Patriotic."

We had red, white and blue balloons, stovepipe top hats, stirring patriotic hymns, Uncle Sam, Lady Liberty, an Eagle named Freedom… oh, and one giant tie-dyed American Flag.  The competition was fierce, and the stars and stripes were flying, but in the end, the declaration from the grandstand was SCYR #1!  The prize money will help us keep Summer Camp free for any kid who wants to attend.  And that was just one morning out of our 8-week action-packed summer.
